The Modern Jedi has very high standards for the quality of our content. We only publish the most useful, informative and motivational content we come across.
Why You Should Share Your Voice With Our Community
You will have a positive impact on people’s lives Our community is dedicated to becoming the best version of themselves, and your work will contribute to fulfilling that commitment. Our readers are excited to learn how they can achieve more, contribute more, and maximize their full potential.
Readers from all over the world will be exposed to your work Once your article/blog post has been approved, we will make sure it gets distributed to our large audience of readers.
Work on your own time
You can contribute when you like and at your own pace.
The Submission Process
IMPORTANT: Please do not send us article ideas, we assign the topics. Only e-mail us with the category you choose to write about. Thank you!
Step One: You choose the general category you’d like to write about. Category choices are Habits, Design, Tech, Fitness, Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Travel, and Personal Development.
Step Two: Email us with the category you chose and a sentence or two about you. The subject of the email should be “Guest Post, Category Area.”
Step Three: We’ll send you a title related to the category that you choose.
Step Four: Draft a complete article that conforms to the guidelines we send you.
Step Five: Our editing team will review the article, provide feedback if necessary, and if approved – post the article as soon as we can!
Some General Guidelines
Recommended article length : Minimum of 1,200 words.
Provide original, personal, and honest work
The article you submit cannot have been published anywhere else, including your own blog, and it may not include any sections taken from a previously published post. Do not try to re-phrase articles from other websites. We pride ourselves on offering only the most unique content.
Keep in mind that you can’t republish the article elsewhere without our permission.
We also reserve the right to make minor edits to your article to conform to our guidelines and for improved clarity.
Reserve self-promotion to your bio
We’re not a promotional platform. We publish unique and original content that will improve the lives of our readers. That being said, you may reference your website, social media, or company in your 2–3 sentence bio.
TO SUBMIT, E-MAIL US AT CONTRIBUTE@THEMODERNJEDI.COM We’d love to hear what you have to say!
If you would like to write for The Modern Jedi, please send us an e-mail at Be sure to include the topic area you would like to write about (Building Healthy Habits, Tech, Fitness, Productivity, Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Freelancing, Design, Travel or Personal Development). Be mindful that we are only interested in adding value to our readers and our community, so if you aren’t sure if your writing is a good fit for our blog, please take a look around the blog and see what else has been posted.
Ready to rock? Send the topic you’d like to write about to, and you’ll be well on your way to inspiring millions of people.